LOCAL Run Club Sign up

Please sign up using the form below

Terms & Conditions

Thank you for your participation in the Runner Beans Run Club (RBRC) which is run by LOCAL NCL Limited (LOCAL NCL).

We want you to be able to find a safe place within our community, have fun at these running sessions, find physical, social and mental benefits from running with us and to keep on coming back to our club, with your friends and family.

The LOCAL NCL team pre-plan and share the route for each run but all running sessions take place outdoors which include public roads, parks, other pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles. There are a variety of surfaces that you’ll cover and these can all be affected by weather conditions. There are many unforeseen factors which are outside of our control.

Before you take part in any of the RBRC sessions you, the participant, must read, understand and agree to the following points.

I declare the following: 

  1. I am taking part in the Runner Beans Run Club entirely at my own risk.

  2. I accept that LOCAL NCL (including its employees and directors) shall not be liable or responsible for anything related to or arising out of my participation in the Runner Beans Run Club, including, but not limited to, any injury, loss, or damage to myself, any third party or property.

  3. I am in good health, physically fit and I am not aware of any physical or psychological reasons why I cannot take part in the Runner Beans Run Club.

  4. I acknowledge and agree that any Runner Beans Run Club activity in which I engage carries an inherent risk of potential accident or injury.

  5. I am 18 years of age or older and competent to sign this waiver and release.

  6. I have read this waiver and release and I am familiar with and understand its contents.

  7. By signing this waiver and release I am agreeing to everything outlined in this document for all participation in these events for a period of 12 months.

  8. I am allowing LOCAL NCL to the usage rights of my image, online, on socials and with collaborative partners. (Please notify our photographer or LOCAL NCL staff if you don't wish to be photographed). I am aware these photographs will be available to other Runner Beans Run Club members for their personal use via this Google Drive. If in the future I wish for photos of me to be removed, I will contact LOCAL NCL via email ([email protected]).

  9. I understand that if I use the bag-drop, I leave personal belongings at my own risk. 

  10. I am happy for LOCAL NCL. to contact me via email, WhatsApp and Strava for anything RBRC related for a period of 12 months. 

  11. I understand that if I wish to run RBRC with my dog, that I am responsible for the safety of my dog, other runners and the public. I acknowledge that RBRC, LOCAL NCL and other RBRC members are not responsible for the inherent risk of potential accident or injury to my dog.